The untold, true history of how
new Christians of the “Great Awakening”
fought to ABOLISH human slavery!
Finally a historically accurate, conservative Christian response to the controversial and extremely divisive agendas of the “Critical Race Theory“ and the “1619 Project.“
Human slavery is evil. Ken Mercer’s “Slavery 101” documents undeniable, historical milestones and events that provide many problems for radical, biased political theories.
Specifically: In the 18th Century, new CHRISTIANS of the American “GREAT AWAKENING” founded the worldwide battle to ABOLISH human slavery. Yet this fact of history is NEVER taught in our halls of education. Why? These Christians were incredibly brave heroes who are deleted from our textbooks and classroom lectures.
Slavery 101 will “test” you on the untold, true story of abolishing slavery.
Imagine we are living in the year, 1776. We knew at least three facts and truths about human slavery:
First, slavery existed in the world for thousands of years BEFORE the founding of our thirteen colonies.
Second, before the signing of our 1776 Declaration of Independence - not one nation in the world had abolished slavery.
And sadly, a minimum of 95% of slaves from Africa were captured and sold into slavery by fellow Africans. This was the “business model” of the Arab-Muslim Slave Trade - that is mysteriously deleted from our history textbooks and curriculums.
Then came ”The Great Awakening” of the Christian faith in the United States and the United Kingdom. Radical, new Christians stood up against the powerful pro-slavery regime (and yes, and against many so-called Christians). New Christians of the Great Awakening bravely proclaimed that human slavery is a sin and we must confront that sin. The movement to abolish worldwide slavery was finally born.
The mission of this book is to “test” readers on the true history of slavery in America and share the mission of these brave “Ephesians 6 Christians” to ABOLISH 8,000 years of worldwide human slavery.
These anti-slavery Christians of the ‘Great Awakening’ were told:
You are crazy people and should NEVER be involved in politics,
The whole world was doing slavery - not one nation in the world had abolished slavery.
Slavery was big money for slave traders - including those African tribes who captured and sold millions of fellow Africans into slavery.
Politicians were heavily funded by the rich and powerful “Pro-Slavery” lobby
Southern Democrat “Christian Pastors” claimed that “Slavery is part of God’s Plan.”
In 1854, these Christian Abolitionists met in Wisconsin to form a new political party that opposed slavery. In 1857, that new party exploded in growth when the Democrat packed United States Supreme Court ruled against both the freedom and civil rights of a former slave, Dred Scott.
Most legal scholars deem the Dred Scott Decision as the worst Supreme Court decision ever. Democrat and Chief Justice Taney ruled: African Americans do NOT have any rights of citizenship, they are property of slaveowners, and finally the Supreme Court politically “overreached” and declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. That final action opened the Democrat Party’s goal for the “expansion” of human slavery from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans.
In November of 1860, these pro-freedom, anti-slavery abolitionists elected Republican Abraham Lincoln as President. Before Christmas in December of 1860, months before the Lincoln inauguration, Democrat slave state South Carolina became the first state to secede from our Union.
In fact, before the March 1861 Lincoln inauguration, (before Lincoln had signed any law or executive order) seven of the eleven Democrat states that eventually formed the pro-slavery “Confederate States of America” had SECEDED from our United States.
Christian Pastor Frederick Douglass then worked closely with President Abraham Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing all slaves in the eleven-state Confederacy. Suddenly 180,000 former slaves and descendants of slaves volunteered for service under the Union Army and the Flag of the United States.
Why the Union flag? There were two choices for former slaves and their descendents:
The flag of the Democrat, pro-slavery “Confederate States of America” (what the media coined as the political “Party of Peace”). That flag meant the return to slavery.
Note: The previous 1860 Democrat majority in Congress had introduced their version of a “13th Amendment” that would forever ban any federal law that might attempt abolish human slavery - and expand slavery to the Pacific Ocean.
The flag of our United States stood for the Emancipation Proclamation and Lincoln’s Republican Party promise of a 13th Amendment to forever ABOLISH slavery in all states and territories. Those 180,000 men volunteered to fight for the flag that represented FREEDOM! The flag of our United States of America!
Note: After their secession, the eleven Democrat states of the Confederacy obviously could not longer vote in the new Republican majority of our U.S. Congress.
Contrary to what some misguided, multi-million dollar athletes are taught today - history documents that 180,000 African American men, each an eyewitness to evils of slavery - choose to fight for the Union flag - because again that flag stood for FREEDOM!
Ken Mercer states: “By 1870, Christians led voters from the constitutionally required three-fourths of states to ratify a trilogy of amendments. These were 75% of the states – on three separate amendments – voted on and ratified in three different years to: abolish slavery (1865), declare rights of citizenship (1866), and grant the right to vote for African American males (1869).”
Article 1 (Section 9) of the Constitution, the Emancipation Proclamation, the creation of the Department of Justice, and again these three post-Civil War Constitutional Amendments, are just a few examples of historical events championed by Christian men and women standing firm against the powerful and evil forces of human slavery.
Sadly, paid national academic “experts” are lobbying in every state to delete any mention of Christian Americans organizing to abolish slavery in America. But who could possibly afford to fund a clear anti-American agenda at a national level?
Well, now Ken Mercer is that “eye-witness” testifying as an elected official:
“Socialist/ Marxist regimes and their subordinates are funding a divisive anti-America agenda - via their rewrite of national education curriculums and standards - to “revision” United States History, Government and Economics.”