Mercer Moments in American History: www.MMAmericanHistory.com

Parents want EDUCATION - NOT political INDOCTRINATION!
— Ken Mercer, Wallbuilders Radio
NEWSFLASH to the Socialist Nazis of the Far Left — Concerned Moms and Dads ae NOT DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!
— Ken Mercer rebukes national "Educrats" for using the Department of Justice to intimidate Moms and Dads who ask honest questions at local school board meetings.

“Education is the BEST INVESTMENT we can make for our precious children.

However, the Federal Department of Education was clearly the WORST INVESTMENT we ever made!”

- Ken Mercer on the horrible failures of the DOE created by the National Democrats in 1980

The Far Left — is scared to death — of a place called Texas!
— Ken Mercer - Events in Bexar, Comal, Llano, Hays, Kerr, Kendall, Guadalupe and Gillespie counties
If our children no longer have the freedom to raise their hands in class and ask honest questions — then we are no longer living in a place called the United States of America.
— State committee debates with "national experts" who publically stated multiple times their belief that that "high school students are not 'qualified' to ask questions in class."
After sixteen years of “public hearings” as an elected official for the Texas State House and the State Board of Education, I finally discovered the two-step definition of an “expert” ...

1) You have a Briefcase or a Laptop, and
2) You have a Business Card!
— Ken Mercer with a "Hat Tip" to Member David Bradley
Too many college students are telling us — that their long semester in ‘U.S. History 101’

– was really taught as — ‘I Hate America 101’
— Live Interviews on KABC radio, Wallbuilders LIVE, KTSA and Glen Beck
I firmly believe that the federal takeover of education known as “Common Core” is a direct violation of the 10th Amendment of our Bill of Rights.

Remember - the purpose of our Bill of Rights was to clearly delineate those things the Federal Government can NOT do.

That means I believe that Common Core is both illegal and un-constitutional.
— Ken Mercer on Common Core
The true story of United States History should include both the good and the bad, the exceptional and the ugly.

Unfortunately, too may of the ‘tolerant’ Far Left want to teach our children a version that only includes a revisionist version only highlighting the bad and ugly.

By the way, how many Marxist / Socialist countries applauded by the Far Left will allow the full story of their history?
— Ken Mercer, Debating against the 2014 national history standards.
Politics 101 - ‘Follow the money honey!’
— Ken Mercer, How the Far Left controls and corrupts education.
Is not enough to just prepare our kids to get TO COLLEGE — I want them prepared to get THRU COLLEGE!
— Ken Mercer and his definition of "College Readiness"

“Contrary to the ‘Woke’ agenda of some national leaders in Education, Parents did NOT give up their rights at the steps of the Schoolhouse!

Moms and Dads, you must have the authority to make the best decisions to protect and guide your children.”

Ken Mercer